165 research outputs found

    Intimate Nevada: Artists Respond

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    Creative Works Winner Most of us know Nevada beyond the Strip. It’s a place of houses, of shopping plazas, of movie theaters, and grocery stores. A place of hotels that are also places of work. A place of basins, ranges, vistas, and nature. A place of personal history. For Intimate Nevada: Artists Respond, curators Lauren Paljusaj (ENG BA ‘20) and Anne Savage (CFA BA ‘22), draw on photographs found in UNLV Special Collections to uncover the intimate visuality of a Nevada of past centuries. The exhibition focuses on how the imaged built landscape of early 20th century Southern Nevada (Paljusaj) and candids and personal snapshots of 1910s Las Vegas (Savage) allow us to interpret the past in light of who we are today. It also shows how artists utilize research archives and the bottomless fascination of material memory to respond to historical artifacts

    “From Margin to Center”: Processes and Relationships to Participation One Woman’s Ethnographic Journey Mirrored through Community Research

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    In the closing two years of my doctoral degree that spanned ten years of my life, I was asked by a mentor to write a personal essay on my academic experiences at the university. That essay follows and is printed here not without the accompanying editing that marshaled its own questioning, self-reflection and analysis that comes with distance, wisdom, and the editor of a juried journal. I was concerned to give a revisionist accounting now, another five or six years after the writing of the essay, to explain what my perspective was then as a disaffected African- American ABD (all but dissertation), given my changed thinking now, of what matters and what does not; and how my responses would have changed, lessened, or wizened over time. After all, my heightened sensitivity as an emotionally vulnerable and young so-called minority Black female, coming from a politically-charged HBCU (historically-Black college or university) to enter a predominantly white and politically conservative environment brings with it a whole dimension of challenges, the least of which is how to fit in, how not to be invisible, how to be successful and how to gain access to be successful in the midst of myriad real and perceived walls and obstacles

    2010 Fine Art Graduation Exhibition Catalogue

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    Party\u27s Over Graduation Exhibition 2010 Fanshawe College Fine Art Program The ARTS ProjectApril 13-24, 2010 Guest Speaker: Scott Everingham The Bijan\u27s Art Studio Award will be presented at the Opening Receptionhttps://first.fanshawec.ca/famd_design_fineart_gradcatalogues/1020/thumbnail.jp

    Haiti is a sliding land: displacement, community, and humanitarianism in post-earthquake Port-au-Prince

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    A Haitian proverb suggests that the country has long been a sliding land, a site of uncertainty and chronic catastrophe. On January 12, 2010, Haiti collapsed suddenly into sudden, telegenic disaster when a devastating earthquake hit its capital, Port-au-Prince, killing hundreds of thousands of people and destroying much of the city. The disaster both gave rise to an unprecedented urban displacement crisis, and engendered the promise of humanitarian and reconstruction aid and a flow of moral sentiment. Yet the earthquake and its aftermath were but the most striking manifestations of centuries-long patterns of vulnerability, life under an aid economy, and displacement. Even before the earthquake, Haiti was infamously known as the republic of NGOs, while the history of slavery, uprooting, revolution, internal migration, and exile shaped Haitian people's conceptions of home and community. Despite - and because of - Haiti's long history of foreign intervention and that initial appeal to save Haiti in the wake of the 2010 earthquake, the post-disaster humanitarian effort has been regarded by Haitians, non-Haitian aid workers, and the media alike as an unequivocal failure. This work examines the lived experiences of Haitian people (including aid beneficiaries and those who did not receive aid) and expatriate aid providers alike to provide a nuanced, personal, behind-the-scenes perspective on a well-known, highly publicized disaster in a long-misrepresented and sensationalized land. It also presents an analysis of the structural limitations and personal obligations experienced by Haitian and non-Haitian actors operating within a complicated aid economy. This work is ultimately about everyday responses to and ways of speaking about exceptional conditions. Amid suffering, loss, and sudden and chronic disaster, everyday life endures in Haiti, however unrepresented by the media and aid organizations. Haitian people depend on everyday practices, ordinary acts of cooperation, compassion and community, and humor to survive, cope with, and comment on everything from the initial moment of disaster to long-term displacement, loss and grief, the structures, limits, and failures of international aid, and death itself.Doctor of Philosoph

    Influence of particle size on physical and chemical properties of aqueous extracts of plants from Lamiaceae family

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    U novije doba biljke su prepoznate kao bogati izvori fitokemikalija, od kojih mnoge posjeduju i važna antioksidativna svojstva. Epidemiološka istraživanja pokazala su da konzumacija biljne hrane bogate antioksidansima ima povoljne učinke na zdravlje jer usporava mnoge degenerativne procese i može značajno sniziti rizik od raka i kardiovaskularnih bolesti. U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje na samoniklim biljkama iz porodice usnača, tj. na vodenim ekstraktima melise, mente, kadulje, lavande i majčine dušice. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj veličine čestica na fizikalna i kemijska svojstva biljnih ekstrakata. Vodeni ekstrakti svake biljke pripremljeni su od usitnjenog sušenog bilja veličina čestica <100 μm, 100 μm, 250 μm, 355 μm, 500 μm, 800 μm i 1000 μm. Ekstraktima su izmjereni pH, vodljivost, TDS, ukupna suha tvar, antioksidacijski kapacitet pomoću ABTS i DPPH metoda, ukupni polifenoli, te UV-VIS i NIR kontinuirani spektri. Utjecaj veličine čestica na fizikalna svojstva ekstrakata utvđen je za ekstrakte svih pet biljaka. Povećanje veličine čestica uzrokovalo porast antioksidacijske aktivnosti i sadržaja ukupnih polifenola ekstrakata mente, kadulje i lavande, dok je kod majčine dušice i melise utvrđen suprotan trend.In the modern age, plants are recognized as rich sources of phytochemicals, and many of them have shown important antioxidant traits. Epidemiological studies have shown that consumation of herbal food, rich in antioxidants, has favorable impact on human health, it slows down degenerative processes and reduces risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In this study water extracts of thyme, sage, mint, lemon balm and lavender were prepared. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of particle size on physical and chemical characteristics of plant material. Water extracts of each plant were prepared with particle sizes <100 μm, 100 μm, 250 μm, 355 μm, 500 μm, 800 μm and 1000 μm and pH, conductivity, TDS, dry matter, antioxidant capacity, total polyphenolic content and continuous UV-VIS and NIR spectra of each extract were recorded. Influence of particle size on physical properties of the extracts was determined for all five analysed plants. Furthermore, an increase in particle size caused an increase in antioxidant capacity and total polyphenolic content of mint, lavender and sage extracts, while lemon balm and thyme extracts exhibited the opposite trend

    1987 Spring Commencement

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    Program for the Harding University Spring Commencement on May 10. Commencement Speaker: Clifton L. Ganu


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    Este estudo busca avaliar a satisfação dos consumidores que frequentam a FEICAP - Feira da Indústria, Comércio, Agropecuária e Serviços de Três Passos(RS), analisando principalmente dois fatores: hospitalidade e lazer. Para o embasamento teórico foram utilizadas concepções relacionadas à importância de eventos e feiras, conceitos de hospitalidade e lazer, bem como a importância de avaliar a satisfação de clientes e consumidores. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, a qual utiliza dados coletados da pesquisa de satisfação de clientes, tendo como sujeitos os visitantes da FEICAP. Foram entrevistados 363 visitantes nos diversos turnos da feira. Estes responderam a um questionário de perguntas tendo por base escala lickert para destacar seu nível de satisfação a partir dos atributos delineados. A pesquisa foi realizada por estudantes do curso de administração da Unijuí em parceria com a direção da feira. Para o tratamento e análise dos dados foram construídos tabelas e gráficos, a partir do software SPSS, com objetivo de melhorar na ilustração. Diversas melhorias resultantes das sugestões e avaliações da pesquisa poderão ser implantadas nas próximas edições. Conclui-se que o esforço realizado para organizar a feira, foi válido, o que acaba prevalecendo na percepção do acolhimento dado por um local. O nível geral de satisfação dos entrevistados foi de 89,8% com os eventos oferecidos e infraestrutura disponibilizada pela feira

    Functional characteristics of the fermented tea beverage enriched with CoffeBerry®

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    Cilj ispitivanja čiji su rezultati prikazani u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji bio je da se ispita mogućnost dobijanja kombuha napitka od/sa CoffeeBerry® ekstraktom i da se ispitaju njegove funkcionalne karakteristike. CoffeeBerry® ekstrakt kao bogat izvor biološki aktivnih jedinjenja bi obezbedio dodatne funkcionalne karakteristike kombuha napitku u poređenju sa onim pripremljenim na tradicionalan način od zaslađenog crnog čaja. U disertaciji je nakon optimizacije sastava podloge za kultivaciju čajne gljive ispitana (in vitro) antioksidativna, antimikrobna i citotoksična aktivnost kombuhe/fermentacione tečnosti obogaćene CoffeeBerry® ekstraktom. Antioksidativna aktivnost je ispitana ESR (elektron-spin rezonantnom) spektroskopijom na reaktivne hidroksil i stabilne DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil) radikale, kao i kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav fenolnih jedinjenja, potencijalnih nosilaca biološke aktivnosti (HPLC metodom). Antimikrobna aktivnost je ispitana agardifuzionom metodom na odabrane referentne i izolovane („divlje“) sojeve bakterija (Gram-pozitivnih i Gram-negativnih) i kvasaca. Citotoksična aktivnost uzoraka na rast odabranih ćelijskih linija: Hep2c (Human larynx carcinom), RD (Rhabdomyosarcoma) i L2OB (mišija tumorska fibrolastna linija u koju su transfektovani neki humani geni) ispitana je MTT testom. U navedenim ispitivanjima je tradicionalna kombuha dobijena od zaslađenog crnog čaja korišćena kao kontrolni uzorak. Rezultati su pokazali da CoffeeBerry® ekstrakt značajno doprinosi antioksidativnoj i citotoksičnoj aktivnosti napitka što govori o punoj opravdanosti upotrebe ovog ekstrakta kao funkcionalnog dodatka podlozi za kultivaciju čajne gljive. Kombuha napici od crnog čaja i sa dodatkom CoffeeBerry® ekstrakta pokazali su približno isto delovanje na bakterijske sojeve, dok je delovanje na kvasce izostalo u potpunosti. Primarni nosilac antibakterijske aktivnosti napitaka je sirćetna kiselina.The aim of this study was to investigate fermentation of sweetened medium prepared with CoffeeBerry® еxtract and functional characteristics of a kombucha beverage enriched with CoffeeBerry® еxtract. Total phenol concentration in unfermented samples, fermentation broths and kombucha beverages made of CoffeeBerry® еxtract and black tea was determined spectrophotometrically whereas qualitative and quantitative concentration of polyphenolic compounds was determined by HPLC method. Antioxidant activity on DPPH and hydroxyl radicals in the same samples was determined on an ESR spectrometer. Fermentation broth and kombucha beverage enriched with CoffeeBerry® еxtract had higher antioxidant activity against both radicals than control samples. Antimicrobial activity of kombucha beverages optimal acidity was tested against selected strains of bacteria (Gram-positive and Gram-negative) and yeast. The main active component of antibacterial activity was acetic acid, but samples did not show any activity against yeast Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Antiproliferative activity of fermentation broth with and without CoffeeBerry® еxtract was measured by MTT test on following cell lines: Hep2c (Human larynx carcinom), RD (Rhabdomyosarcoma) i L2OB (murine tumor fibrolast lines trаnsfеcted by some human genes). The highest antiproliferative activity shown fermentation broth enriched with CoffeeBerry® еxtract, wherein Hep2c cells was the most susceptible